Alexander Damion Monckton convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon

Alexander Damion MoncktonAlexander Damion Monckton was booked into the Kaufman County Jail on September 23, 2014, at 11:43 p.m. He was arrested by the Kaufman County Sheriff’s Department following his conviction for the offense of aggravated assault. Monckton is described as a white male, date of birth January 7, 1993, with blue eyes and brown hair, standing 5′ 11″ tall and weighing 155 pounds.

Monckton was convicted by a jury on the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charge on September 23, 2014. He was sentenced by the jury to 7 years confinement and a fine of $4000. Monckton was also featured in a previous post. Kaufman County court records indicate the charges of deadly conduct, indecency with a child sexual contact, and assault of a family or house member impede breath or circulation are still pending.

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